21 Surprising Tips You Need to Know Before Buying a House

21 Surprising Tips You Need to Know Before Buying a House

Your first (or even fifth) house purchase is a huge decision. It seems like there are a million things you need to know before buying a house.

In order to help you with your home-buying checklist, I interviewed 21 different experts on the top thing they wish they knew before buying their first house.

Hire a Home Inspector

Home inspectors come into the property and take a deep look at everything — the landscaping, wiring, appliances — plumbing, and the roof — before you sign the contract. 

Keep the Hidden Costs in Mind

Keep the Hidden Costs in Mind

Keep the Hidden Costs in Mind

Keep the Hidden Costs in Mind

Remember to consider things like moving expenses, furnishings, closing costs, insurance, taxes, HOAs and any other hidden expenses of buying a home when first creating your budget. 

Home Improvement is Expensive

Most of us want to fix everything quickly, but fail to realize how much even the smallest of updates can be. 

Think About the Future

Consider your future plans and if this home fits in with them, or if you’re willing to move in 5 – 10 years. 

Aggregate Your Paperwork

Do yourself a favor and tee up all of your accounts so that you can skip the questions. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and stress!

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