30 Day Money Saving Challenge [2024 Update]: Save $1,000 in a Month!


Want to know the cure for insomnia? Try listening to someone talk about budgeting and saving money for more than 5 minutes. It’s also a great way to get people to avoid you at parties (ask me how I know).

Think of it like CrossFit for your budget. I don’t know why people get so excited about tossing around tires and doing 5,000 squats in 15 minutes, but apparently they pay big bucks for the pain opportunity.

If writing stuff down and coloring in boxes to track your progress is your thing (you know you got into the adult coloring book craze), you can click below to download the free printable to go along with the 30 day money saving challenge.

Step 1. Download the Free Money Saving Challenge Printable

Step 2. Write Down Your Goal

Studies show that having a clear, written goal is incredibly important to stay motivated.

Step 3. Define Your “Why”

A week from now, when things get a little tough, what’s going to keep you from bailing out of the money saving challenge?

Further down in this article is a list of a bunch of ways to get you jump-started saving money. Pick several of those that apply to you, along with any other ideas you have, and write them on your Money Savings Challenge worksheet.

Step 4. Write Down Your Money Saving Plan

Further down in this article is a list of a bunch of ways to get you jump-started saving money. Pick several of those that apply to you, along with any other ideas you have, and write them on your Money Savings Challenge worksheet.

Step 5. Start Saving Money!

Start going down the list of ways to save money, and color in those boxes to track your progress!

Step 5. Start Saving Money!

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