How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make?

If you’re considering starting a new career as a real estate agent, you’re probably wondering, “How much do real estate agents make?

We will explain how much real agents make and what other factors to consider. I’ll also cover the steps needed to become a real estate agent.

Real estate agents earn money when they sell a real estate property, such as a  house, and receive a commission for it.

How Do Real Estate Agents Get Paid?

Real estate agents only get paid when a seller transfers their property ownership to the buyer. Real estate professionals refer to this transaction as closing.

When Do Real Estate Agents Get Paid?

The average real estate wage for real estate agents ranges from $42,000 to $49,000 annually, according to different reports.

How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make?

Although a 6% commission rate is the average, some real estate agents charge a higher commission on the listing agreement due to their experience.


Agents that expand their clientele outside homeowners can also increase their take-home pay.

Property Type

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