Husband Takes Money From Wife’s Fun Account To Pay for Computer She Broke.

Was He Right?

A man recently visited a popular online forum to discuss an incident involving his wife’s fun money account and his broken laptop. For the sake of his story, we’ll call him Jim.

Jim explained that his wife is a hardworking stay-at-home mother who maintains the home and takes care of the children.

She has full access to all their accounts except his spending account. “I put the same amount into her spending account, but I can only deposit, not withdraw.”

Jim went on to inform that while he doesn’t work from home, he has a home office. He uses it to catch up on things, plays with his toys, and plays video games.

For some reason, Jim’s wife decided to go clean the office. She needed to move his laptop and close it, but not all the way because his Minifigs were in the way.

When he came home, she explained what had happened. The screen was not working at all. So he had to get his old monitor out and hook it up to check if there was more damage.

The cost was only $600. So Jim took $350 from his account, and he took $250 from the money he would deposit into her account and purchased his new computer. He explained it’s not affecting their budget. Instead, it’s affecting her side project and hobbies budget.

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