“Bless Your Heart” – 6 Southern Phrases Northerners Will Never Understand


Southerners have a language for everything from passive insults to giving general directions. While some phrases and idioms might sound familiar if you’re from the Midwest or some Northern states, you’ll undoubtedly hear them daily once you pass the Mason-Dixon line that marks the cultural border between Northern and Southern state

There are several versions of this saying. “Right Yonder” or “Over Yonder” are the two most common examples of a word that means “over there.”

1. Yonder

While this phrase is not specific to the South, it refers to eternity, meaning something will last or go on into eternity.

2. ‘Til the Cows Come Home

In Michigan, most people will say “you guys” when referring to a group of people. Being a proper Southerner, however, my husband uses “Y’all.”

3. Y’all

It became popular around 1863 as a way of explaining when an idea or activity wasn’t worth the investment because before beans became a commodity.

4. It Doesn’t Amount to a Hill of Bean

This phrase is one of my favorite Southern expressions because it can be a passive insult or a meaningful compliment.

5. Bless Your Heart

When I was a sophomore in college, I met a couple of girls from Texas, and it was the first time I ever heard the phrase “Fixin’ to.”

6. Fixin’ To

This phrase can mean anything you’re planning to do in the future. However, it usually refers to something you’re hoping to do.

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