Money Advice for Entrepreneurs From Mark Cuban

Cuban launched a personal blog, Blog Maverick, where he wrote his early thoughts on life, money, and business.

The blog houses articles on his many jobs, motivation, and hidden insecurities about running a business.

Millions worldwide seek Cuban’s advice through his television show, Twitter, and calls to help aspiring entrepreneurs. Here are three tips to learn from Cuban if you want to increase your net worth.

1. Never invest in businesses you don’t understand. In his blog, Cuban writes that it’s ok to do nothing. So, if you don’t understand the business, don’t invest.

2. Control your emotions. In Cuban’s book, “How To Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It,” he writes that fear is the enemy of success.

3. Analyze your spending habits. Cuban writes about a concept called transitional returns. He encourages readers to examine their spending habits and buy bulk when possible.

4. Read and read more. Cuban believes that a good book is worth more than the money spent to buy it. So he’s willing to pay for a book’s one idea.

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