7 Tough-Love Responses from Strangers on the Internet

There has never been a better time to discover ways to save money and prepare for the future. So after an internet polling, these are the top-voted easiest ways for you to save money.

Someone exclaimed, “Get rid of any unnecessary subscriptions! I recently looked at what services I’m using and got rid of Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and Xbox Game Pass… I rarely use any of them. So that’s $40+ saved every month right there.”

Delete Subscriptions You Don’t Use

“As dull of an answer as it is, you must stay home,” one replied. “Sitting at home doesn’t cost much money (it might cost you more gas and power bills), but leaving the house costs a lot comparatively.

Stay At Home

“Set a regular transfer from your checking to your savings. Determine how much you need to keep in the checking account and arrange a monthly transfer. Every modern bank has the option to do that.

Create a Separate Savings Account

Another added, “Video games make for an excellent time-to-money ratio hobby if you find something you can play for a long time without a subscription. Between that and sailing the seven seas for all your movies, anime, and TV, you can spend very little on entertainment.”

Find Hobbies that Don’t Cost Money

“Having some money helps when saving money. Getting a cushion fund makes it easier to make better long-term savings, instead of buying what you can afford now, but that costs more in the long run,” a final user commented.

Save Money to Make Saving Easier

It might sound awful, but it can take upwards of $250,000 to raise a single child, and many people don’t think about it. There are expenses like food, clothes, toys, education, transportation, housing, etc.”

Don’t Have Children Until You’re Financially Able

“It’s better to put an extra $100 monthly in that account if something goes up, like gas or rent. So if your monthly expenses are $1000, put $1100 in that bank account.

Deposit Money for Monthly Expenses in a Separate Account

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