Semi-Retirement: The Surprising Benefits of the Path Less Followed

Retirement. Early retirement. Semi-retirement. Are these all just pie in the sky dreams?

The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement offers that same exhilaration in the personal finance community.

If you can save aggressively for retirement, you can completely retire at a much younger age.

Why is FIRE “Sexy”?

For low or moderate earners, the FIRE movement can feel unattainable.

The Downside of FIRE

FIRE and semi-retirement start out the same way — saving intentionally while working full-time.

Semi-Retirement: The FIRE Alternative

There are exceptions, but on FIRE forums and discussion boards I tend to see high income earners.

Savings rate (and income)

Within certain boundaries, you may be able to leave your full-time job  sooner with a lower savings rate if you plan to semi-retire.


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