The True Cost of Homeownership Is Higher Than You Think

I love owning my home. I could probably never go back to renting.

But when you sit down and look at the numbers, it can be shocking to see just how much homeownership costs you over the years.

Renting vs Homeownership

This is not an article about renting vs. buying. There are a thousand pros and cons to each, and many of them are not purely financial.

Renting vs Homeownership

From a financial perspective, the general advice is if you plan to live in the same place for at least 5 years it may make sense to buy instead of rent.

Renting vs Homeownership

However, choosing to buy a home can often be a more emotional decision than a financial one.

My Homeownership Journey

My first house was great for house-hacking and I rented rooms to a couple friends,

My Homeownership Journey

but when I got married we wanted a little different lifestyle, so we downsized to a condo in a more walkable area of town.

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