8 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home

here are the absolute best ideas I’ve come across.

When our first child was on the way, my wife and I sat down and talked over ways to make money from home.

I wanted to share the hours of research and due diligence we’ve done.

But without setting a goal and TAKING ACTION, you’ll never make progress.

But fair warning! You can read this article or other similar articles all day long.

1.  Cash Back Apps

A good goal is $20-50 per month, depending on your shopping habits.

if you have little bits of time here and there, it could be a good way to earn extra cash.

2.  Online Surveys

Many entrepreneurs need help with the day-to-day management of their business.

3.  Virtual Assistant

You can make really good money as a freelance writer, putting together articles for blogs.

4.  Freelance Writer

Unlike an accountant, as a bookkeeper you don’t need a degree or experience to start getting clients.

5.  Virtual Bookkeeper