Worth Its Weight in Gold: The World’s 16 Most Expensive Liquids

woman medical tester

While there’s no liquid that can ultimately compare with the worth of water on our planet, in the commodity markets, certain liquids attract astronomical prices. The cost is often driven by how difficult they are to obtain, their precious medicinal uses, and sometimes their illicit nature.

Take a ride through the list of the most expensive liquids that promise to test the limit of your wallet even if you’re a top earner in any of the most prestigious, dollar-raking industries.

16. Liquid Paper – $200 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Liquid Paper was invented in 1956 by Bette Nesmith Graham. After IBM declined to purchase the rights to her product, she began selling it from her house and eventually sold the royalties to the Gillette Corporation in 1979 for $47.5 million.

15. Penicillin – $300 per gallon

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Costing $300 per gallon, penicillin is a group of antibiotics used in treating bacterial infections. They are so expensive because their synthesis requires a natural process that can be laborious.

14. Patchouli Oil – $810 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Patchouli oil is notable for its anti-inflammatory properties and uses in modern perfumery. Its estimated worth per gallon is about $800. Patchouli oil also works as a mood enhancer, antidepressant, and a strong disinfectant.

13. Nail Polish – $900 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Nail polish may seem like a relatively simple concoction, but a lot goes into the process including dyes, pigments, adhesive polymers, and plasticizers.

12. Human Blood – $1,500 per gallon

woman medical tester
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Your blood would cost a fortune per gallon, up to $1500, if it were to be sold. This is not due to rarity but because safely collecting and storing blood, especially in the long term, can be expensive.

11. Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHD) – $2,600 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A central nervous depressant, dubbed a club drug, can double as a potent psychedelic, with prices reaching $2,600 per gallon.

10. Black Printer Ink – $2,700 per gallon

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Making black Ink requires a labor-intensive process that seamlessly merges carbon black and varnish. Black ink costs $2,700 per gallon.

9. Mercury – $3,400 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The only metal that is liquid at room temperature, mercury is used for various industrial needs, and fetches a high price.

8. Insulin – $9,400 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The body produces this hormone to digest sugar, which is absent in patients with diabetes. Brand types determine prices, but one vial is usually between the range of $200 to $500.

7. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – $12,600 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A hormone used for growth disorder and other medicinal purposes, these liquid prices range between hundred to thousands of dollars per vial.

6. Chanel No. 5 – $26,000 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A perfume meant for the crème de la crème, a gallon of Chanel No.5 perfume costs $26,000, making it one of the most expensive fragrances in the world.

5. Horseshoe Crab Blood – $60,000 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Costing $60,000 per gallon, horseshoe crab blood contains a substance known as Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL), used to test bacterial contamination in medical equipment and vaccines.

4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) – $123,000 per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

LSD is a highly potent hallucinogenic drug that’s worth a small fortune due to its illicit nature and high demands. Several factors determine prices, but it’s often pegged at not less than thousands of dollars per ounce.

3. King Cobra Venom – $153,000 per gallon

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Highly sought after due to its medical and pharmaceutical utilities, king cobra venom can cost up to $153,000 per gallon.

2. Scorpion Venom – $39 million per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Certain scorpion species hold precious venom worth up to $39 million per gallon due to their therapeutic and medicinal nature for treating rare diseases. Scorpions are “milked” by hand, and each scorpion produces a miniscule 2 milligrams of venom.

1. Zolgensma – $1.4 billion per gallon

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Zolgensma is used to treat a rare neuromuscular disorder known as spinal muscular atrophy. The revolutionary drug is budget intensive to create and often took years of research work before hitting clinical trials. One 5.5 mL dose of Zolgensma costs $2.1 million. Do the math, and that adds up to over $1.4 billion per gallon.

Source: Post.


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