17 Things Women Over 50 Are “Supposed” to Do – That You Shouldn’t Listen To

middle age woman close up

Congratulations, you’re 50. While society may have you believe your life is now smaller and full of restrictions, prove them wrong by being the best version of yourself.

Aging is not debilitating. In fact, the freedom, self-discovery, and empowerment that come from growing older allows you to truly embrace this new chapter in your life.

It’s time to throw the rule book out the door and stop doing all the things ‘expected’ of you as you turn 50.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Old woman with her friend
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You’re 50 and the best version of yourself. You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. Every person is on their own journey filled with challenges and achievements.

Instead of looking at their lives wistfully, focus on everything you’ve gained in your life and celebrate your wins. Social media only shows part of the picture, so don’t be fooled into thinking someone is living a better life than you.

2. Stop Believing in the Age Myth

Old woman checking BMI
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Contrary to popular belief, age is just a number. You can be beautiful, innovative, and accomplished at any age. Take care of your mental and physical health and embrace all the experience and wisdom age brings you.

Society will have you believe that there are many things you aren’t allowed to do anymore. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Challenge yourself to be your best version.

3. Stop Worrying About What People Say

Old woman anxiety and streesed
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Don’t let other people’s opinions steer your decisions. You have enough life experience to live your life the way you want. Go on that adventure, learn that new skill, and wear whatever you want.

Don’t let the fear of judgment stop you from being yourself. People will always have something to say about your life, so drown out their noise and focus on living your life to the fullest.

4. Stop Apologizing for Yourself

Senior husband and wife
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You don’t need to explain or defend your life choices to anyone. Stop apologizing for living your life your way, and start believing in yourself and your worth.

Don’t let others undermine your achievements; be confident in the value you bring to the table. Distance yourself from people and situations that make you feel less than others.

5. Stop Looking at the Past

Stressed middle aged woman
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Dwelling on the past can be painful and debilitating. You can’t do anything to change the past, but you can live your present to the fullest. Let go of any regrets and forgive yourself for any mistakes made in the past or missed opportunities.

It’s also time to let go of any grudges. Live and let live.

6. Stop Fearing Technology

Old woman learning with laptop
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Technology is not your enemy. You can learn to embrace technology and use it to make this next chapter in your life all the more fulfilling. Stay connected, informed, and engaged by learning how to make modern technology work for you.

You don’t have to master every aspect of using new technology. Just learn enough to make your life easier.

7. Stop Being Modest About Your Achievements

Excited matured woman
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You might have spent your life building others up, but it’s time to celebrate you. Don’t stop discussing everything you have achieved because the world needs your wisdom. Who knows who you might inspire with your life story?

Humility is essential, but don’t hide your achievements just to make others feel more important.

8. Stop Believing You’re Too Old to Learn New Things

Old woman crocheting
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It’s never too late to learn a new skill. Stop limiting your life experiences by telling yourself you’re too old to learn new things. Step outside your comfort zone and take a class, pick up a hobby, or learn a new skill.

You can still do whatever you set your mind to. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from going on new adventures.

9. Stop Second Guessing Yourself

Old woman with credit card
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Life is all about making decisions and living with their consequences. You have enough life experience to know which decisions to make and how they will affect your life. Be confident in how you choose to live your life and don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from making the leap.

10. Stop Hiding Your Wrinkles

Happy middle aged woman in beach
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Your wrinkles are a badge of honor for a life well lived. They tell a story of all the laughter, love, and tears you have experienced until now. Don’t hide them or be ashamed of them; embrace them for what they represent.

It’s perfectly all right to feel more confident when you look a certain way. Vanity is sometimes a good thing.

11. Stop Neglecting Self-Care

Jogging old couples
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Self-care isn’t selfish. Don’t neglect your physical and mental health anymore. Embrace healthy habits, fuel your body with good food, and meditate or participate in activities that bring you joy. Get enough sleep and exercise to keep fit.

Take care of yourself first so you can take care of others.

12. Stop Settling for Less

Senior woman talking in phone
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At 50, the only thing you’re too old to do is hold on to mediocrity. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve in your career, relationships, and life.

Don’t undermine your passions and aspirations to fit into someone else’s mold. If the people around you don’t appreciate you for who you are, they don’t deserve your light.

13. Stop Procrastinating

Old woman hiking
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There is no best time to achieve what you want. Sometimes, ripping off the bandage is the best way to heal. Stop sleeping on your passions and aspirations.

Plan a trip to the places you have always wanted to visit, start a new career, or ask your crush out on a date. Take the day by the horns. There’s no time to procrastinate.

14. Stop Trying To Fit In

Old wise woman
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You’ve worked hard to develop a personality. Embrace your individuality and be confident in yourself. You don’t need to fit anyone’s mold. Pave your own way regarding fashion, trends, and acceptable social behavior.

Your confidence will inspire others to follow their own path as well.

15. Stop Overcommitting

Stressed old woman working in office
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It’s okay to say “no” to people and activities that drain your energy. You don’t need to attend every social event if you don’t want to.

Setting healthy boundaries allows you to prioritize the things you really want to do. Overcommitting can be tiring and make you feel overwhelmed. Get in the habit of putting yourself first.

16. Stop Surrounding Yourself with Negativity

Unhappy old couples
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Negative thoughts and people can bring you down, too. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and distance yourself from people who only condemn and criticize.

Counter negative thoughts by embracing humility and thankfulness. Shifting your perspective can bring a positive change in your life.

17. Stop Believing That Your Best Years Are Behind You

Old woman having coffee
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Stop viewing aging as a time of decline. Instead, take all of your hardly-gained wisdom, freedom, and empowerment and pour it into living your best life.

Turning 50 is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Shed your insecurities and focus on what truly matters. Your best days are ahead.


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